Sometimes for various reasons we choose to stop communicating. What we forget about is that not communicating actually speaks volumes. In fact, not communicating almost always communicates negativity.
You get in an argument with your spouse. Soon, after a whirlwind of frustration and anger, your spouse stops talking to you. They take on a vow of silence with a mission. They aren't saying anything to you verbally, but the reality is that you know they are angry, hurt, and unhappy. Perhaps you get in a heated discussion with your spouse, and you stop saying anything with your mouth but start rolling your eyes, looking away, and posturing yourself away from them. You are communicating alright...communicating that you are angry with them. Silence can be just as painful as hurling insults and wounding words. A lot of times silence communicates you don't care, your spouse (or the other person if this is between friends, family, gf/bf) isn't important, this conversation isn't worth your time, and a whole lot of other painful things. While silence may seem like the "best" or easy option at times, it's never a good option.
While communicating is inevitably frustrating at times, it's so important to keep on communicating. Of course not everyone loves to talk, but we have to force ourselves to at least communicate with our spouse because your marriage depends on it. Part of the thing we have to realize is that no one can read minds. The only way for someone to understand is for you to tell them. Communication is a fundamental need for women. Of course there are men out there that love to communicate and women who don't, but by in large, women are hard wired to be communicators. We love a good chat, and from the time we are little, we learn to build relationship through communicating. Communicating is essential to every relationship because it helps us to know one another as well as helps us to work through life's challenges and relational issues. I understand that communicating can be extremely frustrating and have many break downs, but that just means we need to keep working at it. If you were trying to get to work, and some of the roads were broken down and under construction, you wouldn't just say, "Forget this! I am going to quite working there." Of course not, you would find a different route to take or a way around that construction. Communication is the same, we have to keep testing out new routes to get to the destination of a relationship.
Communicating creates intimacy and builds relationships, which is why it is so important to keep it up. Not communicating has the opposite affect where the relationship deteriorates and what isn't said only builds walls between people. Communicating is a fundamental need and form of relationship, and if you stop communicating with your spouse, it can often lead to them just turning to someone else to meet this need, which rarely leads anywhere good. If you are really struggling in your communication and feel like you just can't figure out a healthy way to communicate with your spouse, get professional help. We must keep communicating and learning how to best communicate for the sake of our relationships.
Welcome to Little Wifey!
I just want to welcome you to my blog! This is designed to be a place of information and discussion about marriages - ones about to start out, ones just starting out, ones that are thriving, ones that are troubled, ones that have ended. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I wanted to find a platform to help the struggling entity of marriage in our current society. I believe we don't have to settle for only 1 out of every 2 marriages surviving. If you will be willing to open up your mind and heart, together we can move marriages from surviving to thriving!
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There are times I am so hurt that I can't find the strength to communicate. Nothing to say and too weak to say anything. I don't believe I am doing this out of anger. I just shut down!
Silence seems to be the only way I can capture his attention. Let him know that I have had enough.
My problem seems to be, when I go the route of silence, I don't know how to get back to communicating. Our silence period..... keeps getting longer and longer each time we have these moments. I don't even know where or what to start talking about.
Ephesians 4:26-27
26. "In you anger do not sin" Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27. and do not give the devil a foothold.
Not always easy to do, but we are a work in progress.
Ellen ~ Thanks for taking the time to write! It's so difficult to be so hurt that we can hardly find the strength to say anything. I know that feeling, and it's not a fun one. Sometimes silence does come from places and emotions other than anger, but it still can be a damaging and hurtful choice to go to for the marriage. "Shutting down" is something I often default to, but I just take a deep breath and remind myself that I need to press onward to try and resolve the situation. I know it's challenging, but I would encourage you to keep trying! Not sure if you have before, but you might want to check out an article I previously did on "stonewalling" ( Thanks for sharing!
Sue ~ Thank you for writing! What a challenging and difficult place to be in that you feel you can only communicate through not communicating. While this may seem to "work" for now, it's not a good long-term plan. As challenging as it can be, I would encourage you to try to use effective communication to express your desperation and hurt rather than just giving him the silent treatment. I know it may seem futile, but think about it like a car. A car needs gas to get where it needs to go. A marriage (the car) needs communication (the gas) to get where it needs to go. Keep trying! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous~ Thanks so much for sharing! I know exactly what you mean about it being difficult to break that silence, so it keeps getting longer and longer each time. It's an awkward situation, and I think it's one a lot of people find themselves is...I know I have. Personally, when I do find myself in this situation, I try to say things like, "I know we are both frustrated right now and don't necessarily know what to say, but we need to figure this out. What are you thinking and feeling right now?" Or sometimes I just end up saying, "I don't know what to say right now, but I don't want us to keep going on in this silence. I am sorry...let's figure this out." That always gets us back into discussion. Breaking that silence is so important, and breaking that cycle of silence is so important. It's tough to do, but I would encourage you to give it a try next time. Let me know how it works! Thanks again for sharing!
MVP ~ Great verses! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! That's what I love about the Bible; it gives us practical, down-to-Earth information that can really help us. It's so challenging to watch what we say when we are frustrated, angry, hurt, and emotional, but it's so crucial. That's why we have to keep trying. When we "fail," we have to do our best to seek out forgiveness, and try again next time. Thanks again for sharing!
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