Welcome to Little Wifey!

I just want to welcome you to my blog! This is designed to be a place of information and discussion about marriages - ones about to start out, ones just starting out, ones that are thriving, ones that are troubled, ones that have ended. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I wanted to find a platform to help the struggling entity of marriage in our current society. I believe we don't have to settle for only 1 out of every 2 marriages surviving. If you will be willing to open up your mind and heart, together we can move marriages from surviving to thriving!

Food for Marriage: Introduction

Marriage is a work-in-progress that we can never give up on. It takes time, patience, commitment, and love (among many other things). It has its highs & lows and ups & downs, but it is so worth it. I think of the famous painter/sculptor/poet/architect/engineer Michelangelo and the pieces he worked on. A lot of the projects he worked on spanned over quite a long time period. One project that was a funerary chapel in the basilica of San Lorenzo, took him the bulk of 20 years, and it was still not completed. Think of the time, energy, and thought that went into that inanimate object; it still created a masterpiece though that would be known for generations to come. Marriage is a masterpiece that requires delicate care and attention for the entirety of your life. Marriage is soft clay in the hands of an artist - yours and your spouses hands. If you delicately and ever so thoughtfully care for it, it will be shaped into a masterpiece that will be felt in generations to follow - your children, your childrens' children, and so on and so forth. That is why you must care for your precious masterpiece with every ounce of your being.

There are certain areas of a marriage to really cultivate and pay careful attention to in order to really mold it into that masterpiece. I like to call it food for the marriage because these areas are as crucial and important to your marriage as food is to your body. Any of us can scarf down junk food and feel satisfied, but we will most likely pay the price later if we continue to do so in the appearance and health of our bodies. Picking the right foods and making sure to eat those when necessary will lead to a healthy and happy body that will most likely last longer. Marriage needs to be fed the right foods at the right times to grow and develop into a long-lasting union. This series will actually be a 2-week series, so stay tuned! The menu for this week includes:
  • Christ-centered
  • Commitment
  • Communication
Next week's menu includes:
  • Quality Time
  • Intimacy
  • Support
Stay tuned this week and next week to check these out!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You are so in tuned with the core of what builds a strong marriage. Thanks for taking the time to dig deep into the heart of these issues. If only we cared a fraction of what you care and if couples put more energy in to saving their family, what a difference it would make.

Anonymous said...

What happens,....both guys and ladies put such detail and thought into each moment we see or talk to our "loved one" before the marriage, then after the wedding, we direct our details, thoughts, money and time into every thing and anyone else after the marriage. What are we expecting to happen?

Little Wifey said...

Anonymous #1 - Thank you so much for such an uplifting comment! My hope is that people will start caring and putting the time into their marriages that they should so that they can benefit as well as others around them including children. I really appreciate you checking out the page and leaving such an encouraging message - thank you!

Anonymous #2 - You are right, unfortunately people do not persevere beyond the dating years in making the most of their relationship with their spouse. We get married and just quit trying. The real work begins post-honeymoon, but unfortunately people don't realize that or do that. We can never stop working at our marriages, never stop learning our spouses, never stop trying to make our marriage the best it can be. Thanks so much for your comment!

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